Five What-To-Do’s When Adopting Your Child

For those of you who read this blog, you know that our adoption experience ended tragically with our daughter, Casey’s, suicide in 2008. I chronicle the difficulties we had in raising her and the mysteries surrounding her sometimes-extreme behavior. Yet for all of the difficulties and heartache there was far more joy in being the father of this amazing child. I simply couldn’t have been luckier to have been Casey’s dad. I never had the slightest thought of “what if,” as in what if we’d had a biological child. Still, we were shrouded in ignorance and the results were catastrophic. In my as-yet-published book, The Girl Behind The Door, I share all of my lessons learned about how to do adoption right to minimize misfires in an imperfect system of creating a family.

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#Adoption, #AdoptionSpecialist, #Assessment, #AttachmentTheory, #Orphanage

My Enlightening Interview With An Attachment Expert

This week I want to share more of my research into different schools of thought over attachment theories and therapies that I learned in an interview with Dr. Robert Marvin. Dr. Marvin is the Director of the Mary D. Ainsworth Child-Parent Attachment Clinic at the University of Virginia Medical Center. He began his career as a research associate with Mary Ainsworth – an early founder with John Bowlby of attachment theory – at Johns Hopkins. For the next four decades, his work focused on attachment research, developing assessment tools for families of foster and adopted children, and intervention with families experiencing varying forms of disrupted relationships and separation….

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#Adoption, #Attachment, #AttachmentTheory, #AttachmentTherapy, #EasternEuropeanOrphanages, #HoldingTherapy, #JohnBowlby, #MaryAinsworth, #Uncategorized

Holding Therapies – Are They Effective?

Following up on last week’s blog post on the different schools of thought about attachment therapy, I’ve done more research into holding therapies. Much of what I’ve read and heard about them is negative, but I’ve also had some positive feedback. In this post I wanted to set predispositions aside for a ba ……

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#AttachmentTheory, #HoldingTherapy